Wild Turkey Schnitzel

This recipe utilizes wild turkey breasts By: Olivia Menard Schnitzel is basically a thin cutlet of meat, pounded thinner, breaded, and then fried.  Crispy on the outside.  Moist and tender […]

Cassoulet de Dinde Sauvage

This recipe utilizes wild turkey 1 leg, 1 thigh, 1 wing, neck, back, and ribs By: Olivia Menard The Garonne River charges inland form the Atlantic Ocean, then away from […]

Join the Artemis Book Club for 2022!

The Artemis 2022 Book Club – where we read and discuss books that will expand our connections to the natural world and our understanding of equity in the sporting community. […]

Foraging in the Turkey Woods

By Safiyyah Motaib, Artemis Ambassador – North Carolina There’s always something to forage, any time of year and any time of day; but some seasons are better than others.  Spring […]

What is a choke tube and which one is best for hunting turkeys?

By Ashley Chance, Southeast Regional Coordinator Shotguns are often used for small game like ducks and squirrel because shooting many small pellets means you are more likely to hit a […]

Ice fishing 101: Get your ‘fish on!’

By Lauren Klamm, Artemis Ambassador – Fort Collins, CO Despite what many people think, ice fishing or ‘hard-water fishing’ is a lot of fun and an effective way to catch […]

Squirrel Pot Pie

By: Ashley Chance, Southeast Region Coordinator If you like squirrel or pie, you’ll love squirrel pot pie! This recipe is simple and yields welcome comfort food at the end of […]

Getting On The Turkey Train

By: Ashley Chance, Artemis Southeast Region Coordinator I have never “called in” an animal before while hunting. Technically I suppose I’ve called waterfowl, but they mostly come in as a […]

The Hog Blog

By: Ashley Chance, Artemis Southeast Region Coordinator What is a feral hog? Well, it’s a non-native animal that traces it’s origins back to domestic pigs, and to a lesser extent […]

Hunting with the right equipment

By: Ashley Chance, Artemis Southeast Region Coordinator As sportswomen we often end up using clothing and gear that are hand-me-downs from our male counterparts or men-centric items off the shelf […]