Artemis Welcomes Southeast Regional Coordinator Ashley Chance

By Artemis and Ashley Chance Artemis sits down with our newest team member, Artemis Southeast Regional Coordinator Ashley Chance, to talk sportswomen, public lands, and her vision for Artemis. Artemis: […]

Hunting While Pregnant

Tips and tricks from one pregnant hunter to another. Photos and Story By: Emily Ledergerber, Artemis Colorado Ambassador Check out this week’s episode of the Artemis Podcast, EP 17: Hunting […]

5 Podcasts By Women Hunters and Anglers

By: Marcia Brownlee; Artemis Program Manager and host of the Artemis Podcast I love podcasts. Especially podcasts about hunting, fishing and conservation. They are easily accessible, entertaining, and informative. They […]

Take the Lead on Lead

By: Kodi Jo Jaspers My hunting gene runs deep; I was born into a family with a long history and tradition of pursuing wild game. I cherish the memories I […]

Happy hunting and be safe: Notes from a Hunter Ed instructor

By: Rachel Buswell, Artemis Ambassador If you met me in the grocery store after work some night, you’d probably write me off as an average woman who loves yoga pants, […]

Happy Anniversary to the Clean Water Act

By: Marcia Brownlee Why is clean water important to you? How does having clean water – or not having clean water – impact your life? What are you willing to […]

What about the hide?

By: Charlotte Sykes, Artemis Sportswoman Like so many others, I find I need an escape sometimes.  An escape from the thousand little things that I have to do – go […]

Meat on the table

By: Taylor Morton, Artemis Ambassador My great-great-great grandfather John Bass was the first in my family to own a gun. In fact, the year he was born (1869), the fourteenth […]

Watershed Restoration Citizen Science Project

Artemis is really excited to get our boots on the ground and our waders in the water this summer by partnering with the Clark Fork Coalition, Montana Wildlife Federation, and […]

Artemis Profile: Chris Hill

We are at a crossroads in the history of American conservation. In order to continue to tell stories that resonate with people across the country, we must incorporate more stories. […]