Public lands and waters are the backbone of our sporting traditions. They serve as the invaluable theater of our great adventures all while providing home to the fish and wildlife we so love and the clean air and water we absolutely need.
Unfortunately, there are some who don’t see public lands as an American institution that must always remain under public ownership for the benefit of all Americans. Over the past several years there have been dozens of bills in state legislatures and in Congress that seek to turn our national public lands over to states or private interests.
We know that if efforts to transfer or sell our public lands were to ever succeed, with them would go our sporting traditions and the opportunity to hunt and fish for the majority of Americans.
But we won’t let that happen. Artemis is fully dedicated to fierce advocacy on behalf of our public lands and waters. We engage decision makers, elected officials and land management agencies. We promote stewardship and the obligation to protect and defend these lands that have given us so much. And, we teach these values and enlist others to join the cause.