Artemis in D.C.: LWCF is imperative to sportswomen’s way of life

By Kara Armano, Artemis Co-Founder and Advisory Council
Wow, what a whirlwind. I was just in Washington DC to speak with Colorado’s elected officials about the importance of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to sportswomen and men. After eight meetings in a day and a half, I’m reeling from the excitement and exhausted from walking the long, marble halls of the House and Senate office buildings.

Bob Silbernagel and Kara Armano with Jerrod Dobkin, Sen. Gardner’s Communications Advisor
It really wasn’t a tough job to meet with most of Colorado’s Congressmen and Senators. From Tipton (my district’s congressman) to Coffman, DeGette, Perlmutter and Polis on the House side and Gardner and Bennet on the Senate, there is a lot support for LWCF. Typically, the conversation was thanking them for their efforts and asking them the best method to get LWCF permanently reauthorized and fully funded before this Lame Duck session ends. Other meetings were a bit more difficult as we tried to understand the hesitation to follow through on such an important and loved piece of conservation legislation.
Between meetings, Senator Gardner headlined a press conference along with Senators Tester and Daines from Montana, Heinrich from New Mexico, Cantwell from Washington, among others, espousing their support and fervor, stating what this piece of legislation does for their states in terms of economic benefit, and standing strong on why it is imperative to save LWCF for the myriad ways it impacts the lives of their constituents.

Bob Silbernagel, Sen. Cory Gardner, and Kara Armano
At this very moment, there is broad consensus in Congress for reauthorizing LWCF, but fully funding the program remains in a highly uncertain state. Now more than ever we need sportswomen and other Americans to demand that LWCF be fully funded in perpetuity.
I urge you, call today. If the bills to not pass in December, they will need to be reintroduced next year and repeat the entire legislative process. The more elected officials all over the country hear how important this issue is, the more they will be willing to push this through now before any more funds are lost forever.
LWCF is imperative to sportswomen’s way of life – to have improved access to public lands and waters, healthy habitats for wildlife, and protection of vital resources, not to mention what it will do for future generations. Ask your Congressional Representatives to fight for full funding and permanent reauthorization.
Here are four actions you can take right now!
- Call the US Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121, be connected to your Senator or Representative, and ask them to fight for full funding and permanent re-authorization of LWCF.
- Post a picture on social media of you hunting or fishing on public land, tag your Congressional Leaders and ask them to fight for full funding and permanent re-authorization of LWCF before the end of the lame duck. #saveLWCF #ArtemisSportswomen
- Add your support to the LWCF Coalition Sign-On Letter – click here
- Join Artemis and stay informed on what’s happening with LWCF – click here