Artemis at the Fly Fishing Film Tour

By Kara Armano
The Fly Fishing Film Tour has brought together fly fishing communities across the country for years. This past weekend Artemis was there to support the showings in Durango, CO, and to speak up about sportswomen’s conservation.

The author spreading the Artemis gospel at the Fly Fish Film Tour
With incredible films showcasing angling experiences in waters all over earth, celebrating mothers and daughters, exploring lands not often touched by humans, these films excite and ignite our angling passions. And with those passions comes a responsibility to protect these places, species and opportunities for future generations.

Artemis loves hitting the river any chance we get
Artemis went to promote engaging women anglers to get engaged and excited about conservation issues affecting their favorite fishing destination; urge them to speak up to their families and friends, to local wildlife managers, and to elected officials about the importance of protecting the stream health and our access to lands and waters. We also promoted the health of iconic species like the cutthroat trout (my favorite species to find high in the Colorado Rockies).
We saw a crowd much more evenly matched in sex ratios than in year’s past and had nearly 50 women sign up for more information about how to get involved with Artemis.

The author with a beautiful Snake River cutthroat
Thanks to the help of Braided, a local women’s fly fishing organization, the female presence was palpable and thrilled to see films about women….a handful of those ladies were the lucky winners of many of the door prizes for the night and the crowd roared every time a woman’s name was called!
Check out Braided here:
Much thanks to the crew at F3T for allowing Artemis to get up on stage and talk to anglers. Because after all, we are the best advocates for protecting our resources and promoting conservation through fishing. If you haven’t seen the great films, check the website for a showing near you and watch the trailers.
Check out the Fly Fishing Film Tour here: