Kyla’s dedication to all wild things was evident from the time she was two years old and walking. As her father recalls, when he had “at least 2 hours to spare” they would take walks around the block – allowing her sufficient time to investigate every rock, insect, shrub, and flower along their route. Growing up on the east coast, she established her roots in upland bird hunting and angling enjoying the natural beauty of outdoor life. Kyla began her professional commitment as a wildlife biologist at age 15, when she received a scholarship in wildlife management and conservation, management and stewardship and began to assume ever increasing leadership roles in her field. Over the last decade Kyla has developed a robust interdisciplinary scientific and applied research portfolio.
Kyla is a graduate of the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry after which she continued to be actively involved in wildlife rehabilitation, habitat management, population monitoring, and ecology-based restoration. With a particular focus on carnivore ecology and behavior, Kyla has researched keystone and endangered species, and advocates for public engagement in science by providing outreach to a variety of stakeholders. Her commitment to species restoration, conservation, and education, combined with strong ethical considerations, has been a consistent part of her work.
A resident of Washington State, Kyla’s compassion for wild things and wild places inspired her to find Ambassadorship with the PNW Outdoor Women Group. She is thrilled to join the bold and empowering women of Artemis so that the recreational heritage and values she grew up can be shared and preserved for every generation to come.