Becca grew up in southwest Ohio, the hardwood forests and small creeks of the state her roadmap. She received a B.S. in Natural Resources from the University of Kentucky and brought her passions west, working as a wilderness ranger in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness, as well as compiling data under the collaborative Greater Sage-grouse Habitat Assessment Framework monitoring project and monitoring cattle and sheep grazing allotments on the Sawtooth National Forest. She is seldom without a camera or pen and paper and her writing has been featured by outdoor companies and other publications.
An avid outdoorswoman, Becca tends to seek out the quieter places on the map. She enjoys hunting, fly fishing, foraging for wild edible plants, skiing and horseback riding across the wide-ranging pubic lands of Idaho. She is a strong advocate for this state’s wild places and is passionate about working to retain healthy wildlife populations and habitat, accessible public land, as well as connecting others with this state’s diverse natural resources and landscapes. Becca is also the Communications and Outreach Coordinator for the Idaho Wildlife Federation.
Read a beautiful profile of Becca here.