An Artemis Ambassador is a passionate hunter, angler, and community leader. Whether you are new to the sporting community or you’ve been a dedicated leader for years, our community welcomes your experience and excitement. The ideal Ambassador is committed to increasing their capacity as a conservationist, amplifying the voice and visibility of women in the national sporting community, and growing our nationwide network of hunters and anglers boldly redefining conservation through their lives in the field and on the water. Ambassadors are chosen annually via a process of application. Our 2022 Cohort will be composed of 30 sportswomen from across the country.
Artemis Ambassador Role Description:
- Commits to supporting the growth of an Artemis community in their area by holding gatherings for women hunters and anglers.
- Commits to learning about, participating in, and advocating for conservation.
- Commits to fostering an inclusive culture and community.
- Ambassador must have a demonstrated commitment to hunting, fishing and conservation and participate in an application process before being selected for service.
- Ambassadors commit to serving a 2-year term.
Community Requirements:
- Organize a minimum of 2 events per year in your state to bring women hunters and anglers. Work with Artemis staff to plan, promote, execute and follow-up on all events.
- Connect with Artemis staff monthly to discuss activities and engagement.
- Provide Artemis staff with names, emails, and zip codes of all community participants.
- Join Artemis virtually for a monthly Leadership Team Meeting to connect with other ambassadors and to learn more about conservation issues, community building, and effective advocacy tactics.
Artemis Support for Ambassadors:
- Artemis will provide Ambassadors with information on specific conservation issues, opportunities for specific advocacy actions, and ways to engage in conversations about the issue.
- Artemis will provide information and training on how to build a successful, sustainable and inclusive community group, with the flexibility and understanding that each Community may have an individualized approach.
- Artemis will provide information and training on effective advocacy strategies and important skills in conservation leadership.
- Artemis will connect each Ambassador to their NWF Director of Conservation Partnership and state affiliate.
- Artemis will assist in connecting each Ambassador to state agencies, commissions, partner organizations, decision makers, and other important partners.
- Artemis will work individually with each Ambassador to help pursue conservation and community interests that they are most passionate about and support them to achieve their personal goals.
- Artemis staff will be available upon request for questions and consultation.